Monday, June 10, 2013

Guangxi sisters

Everywhere we go, people are asking me where the girls are from. I am being told again and again how miraculous it is for me to have 4 Guangxi girls. I know this is true. The odds of it happening without a miracle are nil. There are THOUSANDS of children on the special focus list. Thousands. From all over China. It is a miracle, and a gift, and I am incredibly grateful to Him for my daughters. Today, we had another free day and ventured to Shamian Island. How it has changed since I was first there almost 11 years ago. Most of the vendors are gone. The White Swan is no longer open. The crowds of people are gone. But still, it is a place we had to go. I have been there, walking those streets, during all of my other adoptions. So we went again today, taking a taxi. We had SO.MUCH.FUN. One of the vendors recognized me, her eyes wide as she counted my 4, and gave Hannah a special gift. The girls ran around, laughing and playing. As I watched my bigger girls take care of the smaller girls, I thought of what a special bond they will always share. Only orchestrated by my God who knew that the five of us needed each other. That we would become a family. Someday when I am gone, they will all have each other. They will always be family. They are sisters. And I have the privilege of being their mama. Thank you Lord for this incredibly special gift.


  1. Wow, four from Guangxi - incredible. I have two good friends that live here and their girls are also from Guangxi, our Emma is a Jiangxi girl.

  2. Finally sat down to read your blog! Sounds like things went well in Guangxi and continue in Guangzhou. The girls look so happy together and what a beautiful family you have. Hannah is precious! Isn't it amazing how it works out. I can't believe I was in Guangzhou six months ago and will be back in another six months! I hope our families can meet some day. Prayers for a smooth trip home!

  3. Yes I have four children from Guangxi too! Yes it is rare and no one in my FCC group has a child from Guangxi.
